Heres page one of a super short im doing for an assignment. It has to be done the traditional way… Id prefer digital, but it looks ok. Just dialing in the technique which im beginning to enjoy. Trying to replicate texture so graphically is an ever evolving and rewarding experience. The lettering needs some work though, haha.

Yes, the script is done. Most of the action sequences are written in detailed outlines (they always change), but the rest of the graphic novel is completely fleshed out. Still, it’s being counted as a true “first draft” and, as we start storyboarding and creating layouts, we expect and hope it will change for the better.

That means we’re about  ready to start this year’s submission! Woop woop! We’re aiming for the end of June to have it finished.

I’ll be moving over the weekend and into next week and may be without internet for a while. Look for some new art from me after that.

Working Diligently!

April 26, 2011

I know its been a while since Ive been on but Im happy to say that were near the completion of the script for the “Return to Walden” story. Also im embarking on a short four pager called “The Floating Manfred and Winfred” which lightly touches on the Waldenite’s obsession with entertaining themselves.


April 8, 2011

Heres a character sketch of Circxez. I still have to put the balloon animal silhouettes in the background but that’s for tomorrow. Gotta get a move on to painter.


April 7, 2011

Wanted to post another character from the Aftermath. This is Jenkins; hes in a story later in the Aftermath saga called “The Rebullerin”. Sorry for the cropped image đŸ˜€